Bius excursion!
The most likely last big exkursion on my semester abroad *sob* :-( .. even though the weather was quite crappy and no place for the (compensation-)camera equipment, it was definitely one of the best studentexkursion i've ever been.. It was organised solely by the society of biology students (BIUS, really great idea and program!) and therefore students only organised, supervised and joined it. The groups present were birds, botanics, herbs, herpetology and photography and every group had its own program for the whole week. For herpetology it was mainly to find as much V. ursinii as possible, which actually backfired a bit, because without the help of the botanists and one viperbite ;-) we would have found most likely only one. So approx 25 in biology interested people on a very big exkursion in a remote area without professors-> YEAH!
the nameless island
And here the ones in which you are most likely interested in ;-)
And after coming back from half-eden and watching news again, i started thinking that this is the stuff which should be actually discussed in music-class..
Apart from that - enjoy some more music from the balkan - connection! In this case the fagget fairys, more known for this nice song - in diesem Sinne ein gutes Nächtle ;-)
Ahja, i nearly forgot about it - this was the topic in our croatian class today: :D So next level accomplished, new ability "talking about ... stereotypes *kašlj*..." gained ;-) Uh.. and just found this article.
..ein bisserl dauert's wieder..
.. bis es ein paar neue Bilder gibt.. aber eines als Vorgeschmack ist immer drinnen ;-)
Inzwischen möge man sich folgende genialen Zeitrafferaufnahmen ansehen:
As far as it will take a bit until the next pictures, meanwhile have a look at the amazing timelapse compilations above!
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