zunge kopfue
Sodale, here they are, the pictures from a nameless island in a namless sea close to a nameless country. Main goal of the trip was to find the caspian whip snake (Dolichophis caspius) there. It got recently introduced (?) and so we tried to find and catch as many as possible, to take measures and DNA - samples, so that amongst finding out the origin of those snakes, Boris can start writing his diploma thesis ;-)

After some days in drowning in other snakes, and Boris seriously considering changing his topic, we managed to see - and also catch (all !) three of them. This is actually like a jackpot, because they are incredible fast, have a huge flight - distance and are really fierce.. Actually this was more or less a Jackpot - Trip.. first finding caspius, then finding a juvenile four-lined snake, which is hard enough for it self - but on the peer.. bitches, pleeaase.., that's the way it's done. And after that an adult four lined snake swimming somewhere in the sea.. which is more or less an epic win and by the way really made me to go into the water.. And Boris hit the last jackpot by catching an adult capius one-handed while having an adult malpolon (those are the most hard to catch snakes in europe..) in his other hand which he caught seconds before..
So to sum all this blabla up - an amazing trip! .. if just only there would have been more than 3 (unreachable) girls on the whole island.. ;-)

First, the pics where I tried to focus on photograpy:

And here the ones in which you are most likely interested in ;-)

And after coming back from half-eden and watching news again, i started thinking that this is the stuff which should be actually discussed in music-class..
Apart from that - enjoy some more music from the balkan - connection! In this case the fagget fairys, more known for this nice song - in diesem Sinne ein gutes Nächtle ;-)

Ahja, i nearly forgot about it - this was the topic in our croatian class today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_lh5fR4DMA :D So next level accomplished, new ability "talking about ... stereotypes *kašlj*..." gained ;-) Uh.. and just found this article.