Left: beach where someone stole my pulse
monitor watch.

  Below: the winner of the annual strip-contest
  does his warm-up.*
DSC 3487
And as far as i finished sorting out the turkey pictures these days, here they are! Flames from the underground, weird turtles and uhm... no idea how i should place that cool song. I was a littlebit lazy, so not everything is named, and nothing exactly, but for an overview it should do well. Maybe, when I'm more in the mood, i'll rewrite everything here including the image tags. Well, a nice day of climbing is like an iv injection of motivation! So everything (hopefully) properly named now. Uh -- just to name a region, we were around Antalya on the (fail-ed) quest to find Vipera anatolica. Minor addition -- if you don't see anything like a gallery below, plz enable javascript.
*) I'm so sorry guys, but I won't publish that breathtaking competition here ;-)