Se very life in Zagreb..
What shall I say, time passes by reaally fast, I enrolled now for a f*[kin]-too-expensive 5-days-a-week-the-whole-semester croatian course, because I had no other opportunity than that. But hopefully I'll get some of the money back via another scholarship, we'll see, aaaaand, not to mention - i will speak fluently croatian afterwards, yeeeha! ;-) And to be honest - i'd (actually witout 'd!) really skip one or another frog for that.
Besides that, some more pics, i really did (you won't believe it... wait for it... ;-) ) an sightseeing tour (! me ! - sightseeing tour - !! i don't want to know the next thing/change which is going to happen ;-) ) , met some really nice croatian herping-fellows (thx for the warm welcome!!! :-) )  and o'course already did some excursion. Yeah and the next thing i'm gong to do is to go berserking on high/low heels.. i really really really, and can't emphasize more on it - REALLY hate them. Actually i'm going to start a petetition "against bloody high heels from 11 to 11". Why? My room is next to the stairs, and every ..§$&/( time one of these nice fellows goes down or up the stairs, it's like they'd do it right over my head, and i get awake approx 3-5 times a night because of that. So I'm a bit like a zombie atm (@ Smasn ....), and and drop dead in my bed every time i come back to my room in the afternoon. Besides all that whining, everything's leiwand, meet every week a bunch of new ppl and am really looking foward for the warmer period of the year, because of less clothes and prrreeeetttyy...naaah, just jerking, still me, snakes and stuff of course! ;-) Uh and for everyone who didn't drink it in Cro until now, i can really recommend a drink called "medica", it's something like a light Honey-Schnaps and really awesome :-)


Uhm ja, and as far as i really got to do some stuff for uni and language course, this project here will be handled a bit like [censored 2022-10-16]

PS: Most likely the next time something about the public transport will follow, which is quite busy here..
PPS: Added a comment function now - just click on the title of the article on the main page, and then it's possible to comment at the end of the article (scroll down). i'm really eager to see how long it takes until the spambots find this here ^^